
Good Morning! Good News!

Taking the time in the morning to pray and focus on good news, inspiring news is a game changer. It gets your thoughts focused in the right direction!   Here are a couple of inspirational articles! Local priest looses weight, inspires others and runs a marathon! Read...

Why the Tea Analogy for Consent is too Weak

Why the Tea Analogy for Consent is too Weak

The Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy has sparked much debate even among Christians about appropriate sexual behaviors and consent.  One of these is the Tea/Consent metaphor in which the author likens consenting to what they refer to as 'sexytimes' to consenting to a cup...

Behold! I am Doing a New Work!

Behold! I am Doing a New Work!

I slept great on the plane. Who wouldn’t? I had three seats to myself, and I was trying a new thing this time. One Ambien tablet. It worked for a few of the pilgrims on my first trip to the Holy Land. And, it worked for me. But… I woke up before the pill had run its...

Easter is not over!

After reading the readings for today's mass this morning, I was given the grace to reflect on the day after. You know -- the day after the Resurrection. Can you imagine how Mary, Jesus' mother, the disciples and His followers, must have felt? Would the day after the...

Our Lady and Holy Week

  As a mom, I often turn to Our Lady, reflecting on how she must have felt during different times in Our Lord's life. The thoughts in her mind, must have been horrific leading up to Good Friday. Just like any mom, I am sure Our Lady had a gut sense, an inner...

Eight Ideas – for Holy week

HOLY WEEK is here. Here are eight ideas for you to 'maximize' the opportunities this week affords. Other ideas? Leave them below! 1. Attend as many of the liturgy opportunities we have as possible this week, according to your ability 2. Stay close to morning and...

The Art Section

The Art Section

In Philip Roth’s novella Goodbye, Columbus, a boy walks into the library where Neil Klugman works and asks him, “Where’s the heart section?” Neil doesn’t understand at first, but he eventually realizes that the boy is asking for the art section. Neil asks the boy...

Book Review: The Diaries of Joseph and Mary

March is the Month of St. Joseph. What better time to enjoy a little historical fiction starring the Holy Family? Dennis P. McGeehan’s book, The Diaries of Joseph and Mary, invites the reader to journey with Mary and Joseph from their early childhoods until Jesus sets...

Finding Hope in Our Youth

Finding Hope in Our Youth

"Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day."                                                                                                                                                              ...

Mid-Lent Check Up

Mid-Lent Check Up

One of the kids in my First Communion Class asked me how many more days are left in Lent. When I answered that we are just about halfway through, there was a very loud, disappointed chorus of aaawwws from most of the class. Right about now, are you saying "aaawww" as...

Questions About the Conference

1.  Can I stay at the hotel ? Is it a nice hotel?  Yes! Yes! and Yes! The International Plaza is a beautiful hotel with a variety of amenities to enjoy, including a spa, gym, swimming pool, shopping and a variety of restaurants. It is about 7 minutes from the Toronto...

Kairos: the Crook of God’s Finger

Kairos: the Crook of God’s Finger

The Greek words chronos and kairos always remind me of Frank Kermode’s book The Sense of an Ending - required reading for M.A. comprehensive exams at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Not that I wrote anything profound that awful day. I received a B on my...

Fitness at 50: All for Christ

Fitness at 50: All for Christ

I have never been fond of working out—except maybe swimming. But now that I have reached a certain age, the idea of putting on a swimsuit doesn’t thrill me. I was never particularly fond of it. Shopping for a swimsuit has always been worse than buying new jeans. But...

11 Great Reasons to Register for our Conference!

// 1.  You will meet at well over 100 AMAZING women who love God.  2.  You will be inspired, refreshed and re-energized. 3.  You will have a day without housework. In fact, someone will serve YOU! 4.  You will bump into women you miss, women you haven't seen in a long...

It’s not Fair?

This Lent I have been trying hard to rededicate myself to reading the mass readings first thing in the morning.Have  you tried that? The daily Bible reading are available here on line. Quite often a reading jumps out at me, calls me away from other distractions -...

Finding Jesus: A CNN Mini-series

Finding Jesus: A CNN Miniseries I've always been fascinated by the history surrounding Jesus, and ever since I first learned about the Shroud of Turin while in high school, I wanted to know more about it. When I was given the opportunity to preview the first episode...

Lent & Grandma`s Little Black Skirt

Lent & Grandma`s Little Black Skirt

In the summer of 2009, my husband and I went to a reunion on his side of the family. Aunt Lucia told a story about John’s grandmother. I never met Grandma Bossert. She passed away long before I married into the family. But Aunt Lucia said Grandma had a little black...

Fasting: a common sense approach

Fasting: a common sense approach

During a Lenten Friday Mass, I was called upon to use my nursing skills in an emergency situation. Just as the cantor began the Gospel Acclamation, an elderly woman in the pew in front of my family suddenly collapsed to the floor. My nursing instinct kicked in as I...

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