The success of our events has depended very much on the hard work and help of volunteers. It is our prayer and hope that God’s Providence will help this ministry grow. Right now, we especially need help in the promotion of the event.
We will meet where ever Holy Spirit leads us, at kitchen tables, coffee shops, conference centres or churches. Together, through the grace of God, we can touch the minds and hearts of other women both single and married and hopefully daughters, inspiring them to prayerfully unite their will with God’s WILL and to fight the good fight and strive for sanctity.
If you have the time or talent to help us get the word out about our mission, we would love to hear from you.
There is much work to be done.
It is our hope and prayer, that by the grace of God, that this ministry will inspire other women to “Do Something for God.” Doing something for God, might mean volunteering at your local parish, your local school or it might mean starting something completely new like a Saints Club or a Rosary Club. “Doing Something for God” could also mean remembering to allocate a part of your hard earned cash, your money to a charity or cause that represents your deepest convictions. We highly encourage women to
financially support their parishes.
Instead of going on a $1,500 vacation, why not write and print a booklet on a cause that is burning in your soul? We at Dynamic Women of Faith have many ideas.
If you want one, just give us a call.
All of our ideas are FREE!
Before you Do Something for God, whether it’s to write a letter, start a Mother’s Group, Saints Club, write a book, or start a ministry… spend much time in prayer and discenment. Speak to faith filled friends, priests — but in the end please DO SOMETHING FOR GOD. Although your “something” might not be done perfectly, remember it is a seed, a link in a chain in a series of events, a catalyst in bringing the news of Jesus Christ to others. It is much better to have done something than to face the end of our lives, having done something for everyone else but Him. Many women today are living lives of self indulgence, many women today are striving for both academic and professional achievements — forgetting to ask God in prayer, “God what do you want me to do for you?” or “God what must I eliminate from my life or bring into my life, to get closer to you.?”
Always remember….
“Anything done for God is worth doing…. even if it’s done imperfectly.” You will be amazed when you see what God can do with your efforts!
We would like to prayerfully thank all the volunteers that have been helping us over the last five years Quite simply, we cannot do it without you. “How can help you?” are words that we welcome and need. Thanks for offering your help. Please know that you are in our prayers. We would like to acknowledge the following volunteers who have gone the extra mile in helping us thusfar.
Teresa Pilarski
John McIlroy
Margaret Kazanowski
Karen Armstrong
Anna Ericksen
Vicenta Blake
Dr. Julia Cataudella
Julie Cihon
Isabelle Fiilippis
Cris Smith
Susan Taras
Cathy Haynes
Nora McKernan
Fatima Borges
Carolina Girod
Bozena Zambrowicz
Anna Baj
Sharon DiCecco
We have also been helped by a number of parishes *****
If you are interested in volunteering for Dynamic Women of Faith,
Please fill out this form: