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Recharge Your Spirit at the Dynamic Women of Faith Conference 2025
Are you ready for an unforgettable day of inspiration, connection, and faith? Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 22, 2025, and join us at the stunning Old Mill in Toronto for the 16th annual Dynamic Women of Faith Conference. This one-of-a-kind event promises to...
The Miraculous Medal and unknown story
In 1830, Catherine Laboure was blessed with the apparitions of Mary Immaculate to which we owe the Miraculous Medal. The first apparition came on the eve of the feast of St. Vincent DePaul, July 19. The mother superior had given each of the novices a piece of cloth...
Life Blessed by Friendship with Religious
A heavenly joy filled my heart during a Mass several years ago at Toronto’s Holy Angels Church. My family had arranged our schedules to be there as Fr. Peter Gioppato, the pastor, celebrated 50 years in religious life. Fr. Gioppato has many God-given gifts, and he is...
Is the Holy Spirit Calling You to Attend this Dynamic Conference?
Sr. Dede Bryne will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming in-person Dynamic Women of Faith Conference to be held on the Solemnity of the Annunciation, Saturday, March 25, 2023, at Old Mill Toronto Event Venue, 21 Old Mill Road, Toronto. If you’re a mom struggling to...
How Acting Like A Feminist Can Ruin Your Marriage
In the ongoing discussion about male and female relationships, several recent articles emphasize men’s failures for women’s discontent, such as “Childish Men are to Blame for Women Having Kids Late in Life.” Some articles pin the blame on behavior, while others look...
It’s just the beginning …
I like to remind women, that the DWF conference is not over, it's just the beginning! What inspirations and graces did you receive? Now is the time to ACT on them. Remember, God wants to continue blessing you with grace upon grace, but He needs YOU to ACT on graces...
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Our featured contributors this month….

Dorothy Pilarski
Dorothy Pilarski is the founder of Dynamic Women of Faith, author, Catholic radio host, motivational speaker, blogger,guest columnist with the Catholic Register and a facilitator on Salt + Light TV. Visit her website at www.dorothypilarski.com

Kathy Schiffer
Kathy Schiffer is a free-lance writer and speaker. Her articles have appeared on Aleteia, the Kresta in the Afternoon Blog, the Michigan Catholic, Catholic Exchange and Legatus Magazine. She is currently writing her first novel.

Mary Lou Rosien
Mary Lou Rosien BSW, MA is the RCIA Coordinator at St. Leo Church in Hilton, New York. She is the author of Managing Stress with the Help of Your Catholic Faith (OSV) and Catholic Family Boot Camp (Bezalel Books). Mary Lou is also a columnist with Catholicmom.com, and AmazingCatechists.com