
The Miraculous Medal and unknown story

The Miraculous Medal and unknown story

In 1830, Catherine Laboure was blessed with the apparitions of Mary Immaculate to which we owe the Miraculous Medal. The first apparition came on the eve of the feast of St. Vincent DePaul, July 19. The mother superior had given each of the novices a piece of cloth...

Life Blessed by Friendship with Religious

Life Blessed by Friendship with Religious

A heavenly joy filled my heart during a Mass several years ago at Toronto’s Holy Angels Church. My family had arranged our schedules to be there as Fr. Peter Gioppato, the pastor, celebrated 50 years in religious life. Fr. Gioppato has many God-given gifts, and he is...

It’s just the beginning …

It’s just the beginning …

I like to remind women, that the DWF conference is not over, it's just the beginning! What inspirations and graces did you receive? Now is the time to ACT on them. Remember, God wants to continue blessing you with grace upon grace, but He needs YOU to ACT on graces...

Are You Looking for a Miracle??

Are You Looking for a Miracle??

It’s Lent !!! It’s a sacred time of year and we are wondering if you might want to join us in becoming a miracle hunter of sorts! Stay with me, read on… don’t give up on my idea just yet! Is there something in your life you wish you could change? Some outpouring of...

7 Great Reasons to Attend Calling All Girls 2022

7 Great Reasons to Attend Calling All Girls 2022

Dearest Moms, Have you and your daughter signed up for the Calling All Girls Conference yet? If so, CONGRATULATIONS! You’re about to embark on a transformative journey of discovery – and the best part is, you’ll be doing it together with your daughter! But if not… I...

It’s How Fleas Brought Me Closer to God

It’s How Fleas Brought Me Closer to God

It’s been a ridiculously bad year.  For fleas, that is.  Something about the summer being so hot with little rain, blah blah blah, I didn’t really listen because all I could see is the wretched fleas jumping off the carpet, biting my ankles and hitching rides on my...

The Light of Intimate Preparations

The Light of Intimate Preparations

“And so I take (my wife) not for any lustful motive, but I do it in singleness of heart. Be kind enough to...bring us to old age together.” Tobit 8:7 “..Now, gird up your loins and arise...”  Jer: 1:17 Which scripture verse more accurately describes how a couple...

Fasting: A Powerful Weapon

Fasting: A Powerful Weapon

“Not all can accept this word, but only those to whom that is granted. Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by others; some, because they have renounced marriage for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven. Whoever can...

New Spiritual Reads for Lent 2022

New Spiritual Reads for Lent 2022

While Lent is still a whole month away (Ash Wednesday is March 2, 2022), ongoing supply-chain and shipping issues mean planning ahead is a good idea. This year I've had the chance to preview four new resources: one family prayer and activity booklet, one guided prayer...

Quarantine – Blessing or a Curse?

Quarantine – Blessing or a Curse?

What do you think about being forced to stay at home? A curse or a blessing? In the Gospel passage John 3:7-15, Jesus speaks with a certain man called Nicodemus and Jesus invites him to be 'born again' in spirit and explains why this is necessary. What on earth does...

Frozen 2 Movie Review

Frozen 2 Movie Review

On an early Friday afternoon during its opening weekend, I managed to get a seat in a packed theatre to see Walt Disney’s “Frozen 2” (2019): the much-anticipated sequel to the cultural phenomenon, “Frozen” (2013), for which I wrote an extended reflection some years...

The Unexpected Hour

The Unexpected Hour

Another year has almost gone and here we are again. Advent. The season of waiting. The season of expectation. From the first Sunday of Advent we are told to “keep awake” for we do not know when the Lord is coming. We need to prepare ourselves for the coming of that...

Should Catholics Criticize The Pope?

Should Catholics Criticize The Pope?

While the past three or four Popes were disliked mainly by people on the left, who wanted the Church to “move with the times”, Pope Francis has drawn the ire of conservative Catholics who fear that he is opening up the very possibilities that liberals were hoping for,...

Book Review: Tortured Soul

Book Review: Tortured Soul

Scared straight: but with Purgatory. Theresa Linden’s newest novel, Tortured Soul, is a compelling tale of a haunting, with a twist. Jeannie Lyons is pushed out of her family’s home by her older brother and into a remote cottage that also houses a gruesome “presence.”...

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