It’s Lent !!!
It’s a sacred time of year and we are wondering if you might want to join us in becoming a miracle hunter of sorts! Stay with me, read on… don’t give up on my idea just yet!
Is there something in your life you wish you could change? Some outpouring of grace you desperately need? Think of your son, cooped up in his room and spending too much time online. Or your daughter, searching for a holy husband. Maybe your own husband has been spending too much time at work and not enough time with the family. Or maybe you just feel like you need some extra grace and strength to carry on with daily life. If there’s anything you need… anything at all…
Are you familiar with Blessed Carlo Acutis? The Italian teenage saint-in-the-making? This young man was on fire with the Holy Spirit, devoted to the Rosary, striving to receive the Eucharist daily, and even using his love of technology to spread the Gospel of Christ. His cause for canonization is currently being considered, and he’s already halfway there!
Do you know how many miracles are needed for someone to be declared a saint? 2! The first has already taken place, and now, we have the opportunity to help bring about the second!
The first miracle attributed to Bl. Carlo involved the healing of a Brazilian boy named Matheus. He was gravely ill and wasn’t expected to live for very long. When his mother heard that a relic of Carlo Acutis was going to be visiting a nearby parish, she decided to PRAY A NOVENA leading up to the relic’s visit. When the family attended Mass and the healing prayer service that followed, Matheus made a simple prayer before touching a picture of Carlo.
And you know what? He was healed RIGHT THEN AND THERE!
Bl. Carlo’s mother, Andrea Salzano, will be speaking at this year’s Dynamic Women of Faith Conference! Which got me thinking… what might happen if we all pray a novena to Bl. Carlo Acutis before the conference? Could we be the cause of his second miracle?
What is a novena, you might ask? It’s an ancient practice of praying for a special intention for nine consecutive days. They are often prayed in anticipation of a feast day or special event. Our novena, from MARCH 11 – 19, will be leading up to both!
Because the Conference will be held on March 19, the feast day of St. Joseph, we will also be asking him to join us in this prayer – making it a super-powered-novena!
Will you join us in prayer to ask for a miracle, and for blessings on this Conference? Even if you aren’t able to attend the Conference yourself, you can still take advantage of this remarkable opportunity and pray with us. I’m sure that with all of us joining together in prayer, hearts will be touched, lives will be transformed, and miracles will abound!
So will you join us? Will you boldly ask Bl. Carlo to pray for your intentions? Will you courageously petition God for Carlo’s second miracle? Your prayers have power! Let’s join together and unleash it!
All we need is your email address! When you sign up, you will receive emails with the novena prayers we will be praying from MARCH 11 – 19. We humbly ask that in addition to your intentions, you also pray for a blessed and fruitful conference. Know that we will also be praying for you!
Lots of love,
Dorothy Pilarski
Dorothy Pilarski is the founder of Dynamic Women of Faith, author, Catholic radio host, motivational speaker, blogger, guest columnist with the Catholic Register and a facilitator on Salt + Light TV.