

It seems appropriate to discuss Ellen Gable’s new novel, Charlotte’s Honor, on Armistice Day ~ Veteran’s Day, in the United States. This beautifully woven World War One tale, details the horrors of war while reminding the reader of the absolutely dignity of each person. Love takes root and slowly blooms in the most unlikely setting of a wartime field hospital.

Ellen Gable fans may recognize some characters who slip into this wonderful historical novel. I was blessed to read the book while recovering from a procedure. It was the best medicine I could have had; I disappeared into the story leaving my pain behind.

I am unabashedly an Ellen Gable fan! I love that her stories are authentically Catholic without any preachiness at all. Since the books in the Great War Great Love series are what the author calls “Clean Romances” I can pass her books down to my daughters  and know that they will identify with her characters, while being inspired by the selfless nature and true hearts of her heroines. In a current culture of questionable values, Ellen reminds her readers that goodness, mercy and true love are timeless and attainable virtues.

I loved Book One, Julia’s Gifts and I’m hoping that I get to review Book Three, Ella’s Promise. Charlotte’s Honor would be a wonderful Christmas gift to give or receive. Curl up by the fire and disappear into the past…

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