A wonderful gift idea for my dearest friends . . . YOU!

My son is always telling me “Spend your widow card, Mom!”

Truly there are some times your friends will just have to listen to you – so I guess I am spending my Widow Card right now. This is a special thought from my heart!

Be nice to your widow friend and read this. Smile.

PHOTO COPYRIGHT - Mr. & Mrs. Tom & Terry Fenwick - Printed with Permission

PHOTO COPYRIGHT – Mr. & Mrs. Tom & Terry Fenwick – Printed with Permission

This morning, before the light of day, very early, I was looking up toward the heavens and thinking of Tom and his new Home with his friends in High Places. I know, I know, only his Soul is there now and his body will not be resurrected until the Great Resurrection, but the person who was Tom Fenwick is there now – and I really miss him. I heard my voice say to him,

“Tom, you were the best husband in the whole world. You were so good to me and if, just if, I could have any given day in my life with you, any day at all, not the best, just any day, you choose it, I would love it. Just one more day – I would love to have you here for that one day and I would be the best wife in the world for YOU! I really appreciate you so much now, and wish I had a chance to show you that I could be a much better wife for you!”

Well, you know what Tom Fenwick said?

You are right – he said nothing. He said nothing.

But, then I thought about all of you out there – my special friends yet on earth, with your wives or husbands. I thought, what if you could give each other the one day I wish I could live over. It works for you! You could do it for many days and, maybe the message this morning was not just for Tom and for me, but a message to share with my friends.

I thought to myself, I said,

“Self, tell them all that. Tell them to stop the craziness and busyness, and just say,

I want today to be the best wife in the world for you!(or best husband if you are a man). Just wallow in the day – light the fire, drink hot chocolate, talk about your favorite memories, say I love you – using many syllables in love – mean it and tell him, or her, why. Tell her, or him, what she means to you and your heart and, how you love the memories of how you met and fell in love. Tell him, or her, every wonderful thing he, or she, ever did for you, and how you remember that day. Tell him, or her, how wonderful life has been and how empty your life would be, if tomorrow he, or she, was to be gone.

” That is what I thought to myself. What do YOU think? I guess the question I would ask myself (and the Lord) if I had another day is,

“How can I do it better? How can I be the best, Lord, you wanted me to be for Tom?”

I think we can all start there. Give it a thought and make yourself a gift, like none other, to the Love the Love of your Life.

Start this second. Merry Christmas!

P. S. Don’t fight when you put the lights on the Christmas tree – well, maybe it is okay – but make certain you laugh, too!


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