Have you ever prayed for something very very specific, and had it happen?
For months now I have been praying for courage for my son.
My shy little guy, who had a bit of a struggle adjusting to school. Going into class on his own, doing this automatically, joining in the fun and games and songs. He was not willing to allow himself to have fun or accept that this was his day to day life now. It was so hard on all of us, as no parent wants to see their child struggle. And it’s even worse when you have to take your crying kid into class and leave him there.
I wasn’t even sure that courage was the right word, or the right thing to be praying for. I didn’t want him to be so shy, I wanted him to allow himself to have fun, to participate in the class activities, and to listen to his teacher. Courage was the only word that kept popping into my head when I would get on my knees at night and pray.
But little by little he has gotten better. He now has fun at school. He’s made lots of great friends, and actually leaves school smiling each day. My prayers had been answered, but I didn’t really know it, and I hadn’t even given it much thought, other than be so happy for my son.
It wasn’t until last Friday that it really hit me. We received a phone call from my son’s teacher. She wanted to tell us that she had picked him to receive an award at school. Each month the school picks a different virtue that it focuses on, and at the end of the month, a student is picked from each class that has shown that virtue all month long. It’s written at the bottom of each month on the school calendar, I usually glance at it but don’t really pay much attention to it. The virtue for January? Yup, courage. She said she knew she just had to pick him for courage, because he has done so well this last little while, and has been so courageous in joining in and doing things on his own. To say I got teary eyed would be an understatement.
Answered Prayers 🙂
Maureen Poland is a Catholic wife and mother, who strives to live frugally so she can be a stay at home mom. Writing is a passion of hers.She enjoys being able to share frugal tips in raising Catholic kids on her blogs Not A Coupon Queen and Canadian Catholic Mom .
Maureen Poland is a Catholic wife and mother, who strives to live frugally so she can be a stay at home mom. Writing is a passion of hers.She enjoys being able to share frugal tips in raising Catholic kids on her blogs Not A Coupon Queen and Canadian Catholic Mom.