It has been awhile since Dynamic Women of Faith has had a good old fashioned INVITATION CHALLENGE.
We need your help in getting the word out about our event coming up with Dr. Josie Lombardi, so we thought we might do something FUN, to help get the word out! To do it, we thought we would combine a couple of different things!
Since it is May, we thought we would offer a book about Our Lady, since we love Gary Zimak, we thought we would include one of his books as the WINNING book! Both Gary Zimak and Dr. Lombardi were very popular at our Dynamic Women of Faith conference!
What do you have to do to be entered into the draw that will be held on Wednesday May 13th?
Do just ONE of these things!
Make sure to let us know by sending us an email HERE
1. TWEET about the Dr. Lombardi breakfast at the Markland Wood Gulf Club on May 23 on TWITTER
2. LIKE our Dynamic Women of Faith page on FACEBOOK
3. SEND an EMAIL about the EVENT to your email distribution list.
4. Join our LIST right HERE
5. WRITE a short BLOG POST about the event!
6. Or Just simply share this post on FACEBOOK or LINKEDIN
7. A bonus gift will be added to the winnings if you copy and past the poster below and share that too!
We need your help in getting the word out about this event!
Why not treat someone and give a ticket as a Mother’s Day Gift? I cannot think of a better gift!
Purchase a ticket RIGHT HERE!
Dorothy Pilarski is the founder of Dynamic Women of Faith, author, Catholic radio host, motivational speaker, blogger, guest columnist with the Catholic Register and a facilitator on Salt + Light TV.