Our Parish just started its Lenten Mission with a focus on the Eucharist. Along with a talk on the topic of the Real Presence, we had an hour and a half of Adoration (including procession of the Blessed Sacrament to each of the participants), together with praise and worship.
The talk was inspiring, the presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament was healing and palpable. The praise and worship music ~uplifting. I watched as people were transformed by the experience. There was a visible change externally and many described the internal change as well.
With all the problems that we face in the world, the solution to all of it was right here in front of us. Love. Christ’s love. His Holy Presence. Why would anyone choose to be anywhere but right here, right now? I asked myself.
We search for meaning. We spin in circles trying to find direction, like a broken compass and yet, direction can be found in Jesus. It made me wonder why we do not look there first.
The Dynamic Women of Faith Conference is fast approaching (March 24th), and I challenge each of you to now ask yourself the same question; Why not turn to Jesus for direction first? Why not spend a Saturday learning about God’s plan for you? We would all love a spa day, to relax and focus on the external, but the internal is eternal!! How about dedicating some time and energy to the things that will not pass away?
You are looking for a break. You are seeking calm amidst the storm. You need new energy in the day-to-day struggles of life. Look for them in a day set aside for women and their journey with God. The questions to ask are NOT; do I have time, what does it cost, or how can I step out of my comfort zone? No, the question is why wouldn’t you go?
Mary Lou Rosien BSW, MA is the RCIA Coordinator at St. Leo Church in Hilton, New York. She is the author of Managing Stress with the Help of Your Catholic Faith (OSV) and Catholic Family Boot Camp (Bezalel Books). Mary Lou is also a columnist with Catholicmom.com, and AmazingCatechists.com